Bandera de El Salvador

Bandera de El Salvador
y juremos, la vida animosos, sin deeescanso a su bien consagrar....

Escudo de El Salvador

Escudo de El Salvador
Saludemos la patria orgullosos, de hijos suyos podernos llamar ........

Sir Lord Robert Cecil Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, I Barón de Gilwell

Sir Lord Robert Cecil Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, I Barón de Gilwell
Fundador del Movimiento Scout Mundial, (n. Londres, 22 de febrero de 1857 - m. Nyeri 8 de enero de 1941)

Olave Baden - Powel

Olave Baden - Powel
Esposa de Sir Baden Powel


Queridos scouts:
Si alguna vez han asistido a una representación de Peter Pan, recordarán cómo el jefe de los piratas siempre estaba haciendo su último discurso de despedida, por temor de que al llegar la hora de su muerte no tuviera tiempo para darlo a conocer. A mí me sucede algo parecido y aun cuando no me estoy muriendo en este momento, eso tendrá que suceder uno de estos días, por lo que deseo dirigirles unas palabras de despedida.

Estas palabras serán las últimas que recibirán de mí, por lo que les pido meditarlas cuidadosamente.
He tenido una vida dichosa y deseo que cada uno de ustedes tenga una vida igualmente feliz.
Creo que Dios nos ha puesto en este mundo encantador para ser felices y disfrutar de la vida. La felicidad no proviene de la riqueza, ni tan sólo del éxito profesional, ni siendo complaciente consigo mismo. Un paso hacia la felicidad es mantenerse fuerte y sano cuando niños, y así ser útil y gozar de la vida cuando se es adulto.
El estudio de la naturaleza les enseñará cómo ha llenado Dios de cosas bellas y maravillosas este mundo para que lo puedan gozar. Estén contentos con lo que han recibido y saquen de eso el mayor provecho posible. Vean siempre el lado bueno de las cosas y no el oscuro.
Pero la verdadera manera de obtener la felicidad es haciendo felices a los demás. Traten de dejar este mundo un poco mejor de como lo encontraron, y así, cuando llegue la hora de morir, puedan hacerlo felices, ya que en todo caso no perdieron el tiempo e hicieron todo lo que ustedes pudieron. Estén siempre listos de esa forma, para vivir felices y morir felices, perseverando siempre en su Promesa Scout, aun cuando hayan dejado de ser jóvenes. Que Dios les ayude a hacerlo así.

Mr Roland Phillips

Mr Roland Phillips
Creador del Sistema de Patrullas Actual (SISTEPA)



Ley Scout

  • LEY SCOUT (Código de conducta a seguir por los que asumen la promesa)

  1. El scout es digno de confianza.

  2. El scout es leal.

  3. El scout sirve a los demás.

  4. El scout comparte con todos.

  5. El scout es amable.

  6. El scout cuida la vida y protege la naturaleza.

  7. El scout se organiza y nunca deja nada a medias.

  8. El scout enfrenta la vida con alegría.

  9. El scout cuida las cosas y valora el trabajo

  10. El scout es una persona limpia en pensamientos, palabras y obras.

Saludo con la Mano izquierda

Saludo con la Mano izquierda
"Cuando el Coronel Baden-Powell entró a la capital de los ashantis en 1896 fue recibido por uno de los jefes. Cuando BP extendió su mano derecha para saludarlo, el Jefe dijo: "No, en mi pueblo el más bravo entre los bravos es saludado con la mano izquierda". Y así el apretón de mano izquierda fue adoptado luego por la Hermandad de scouts."

Bienvenidos a todos !!!!

El Grup
o Scout 14, pertenece al Distrito Quequeisque, La Libertad, El Salvador en Centro América.

Este es el espacio de comunicación de las patrullas del G14, aca podrán expresar todo tipo de comentarios, siempre que no sean negativos, ok.

Adelante patrullas G14, vean, comenten y sugieran cualquier cosa para mejorarlo.

Esta es la Cruz de Santiago, es utilizada como Insignia Nacional, es decir que la portan todos los miembros que pertenecemos a la Asociación scout de El Salvador. El color amarillo simboliza la rama de los Lobatos, el azul marino de las orillas hace referencia a la rama de los scouts y el rojo representa la rama de los rovers. El lazo que rodea a la Cruz de Santiago simboliza la Hermandad scout a nivel mundial. El liston de Siempre Listos corresponde a la sonriza scout.

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Re: Employment Opportunity. Please respond promptly

Hello Amksphmalang

Thank you for submitting your information for potential employment opportunities.
We look forward to reviewing your application,
but can not do so until you complete our internal application.

Prior to begin able to be considered, you will first need you to formally apply.
Please go here to begin the process:

Also, the following perks are potentially available:

- Paid Time Off
- Health Benefits Package
- Higher than average salaries
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Extensive 401(k)program

Please take the time to follow the directions and complete the entire application process.


viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

Your Job Application - Please Complete and Submit

Hello Amitrke

Thank you for submitting your information for potential employment opportunities.
We look forward to reviewing your application,
but can not do so until you complete our internal application.

Prior to begin able to be considered, you will first need you to formally apply.
Please go here to begin the process:

Also, the following perks are potentially available:

- Paid Time Off
- Health Benefits Package
- Higher than average salaries
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Extensive 401(k)program

Please take the time to follow the directions and complete the entire application process.


sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


Hello Ammastips

Also the cool thing about replicas is the fact that for the price of one original watch you can buy many replicas!!!
Now you can keep your preferred watch for very special occasions since you can choose the same observe for just a few hundreds of dollars and be dressed in it with confidence and security anywhere you go.

I got my watch couple days ago. I did like to thank to you first of all. The watch is fantastic and by the way thanks for the pen. It's beautiful. I was very skeptical about buying things from the internet at the beginning but you changed my opinion. Now I know there are some serious business owners on the internet such as you. Great, reliable and on time service!
Thank you very much!
Darrel Hollingsworth

Click here --->

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Gold Watches

Hello Amoldhir

Go to that cocktail party with this, and be sure to catch people's attention.
Genuine luxury watches cost a fortune, cheap fakes you will find on the streets are of low quality. We offer you truly undetectable watches which look classy and professional. You will definitely find the watch to your taste from our list of brands.

My order arrived yesterday via registered mail in good order THE WATCH IS BEAUTIFUL AND EVEN BETTER THAN I EXPECTED.
Thank you very much
Bennie Gay

Click here --->

Thank you so much for your patience and good customer service

Hello Amitrke

So many reimbursement in just one buy.

Am a repeated customer. VERY satisfied with products and service - excellent quality watches, fast shipping and good e-mail contact.
Thanks a million!
Bridgette Ivey

Click here --->

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

Thank you so much for your patience and good customer service

Hello Amoldhir

Order excellent replicas and receive them quickly and 100% discreet. Excellent service, no hidden fees, prompt delivery!
We offer a free gift box with every VIP watch ordered.

As requested, I just want to verify that I have finally received my package, and I must say it was well worth the wait! Thanks for such a high quality product! I look forward to conducting business with you again in the future.
Many thanks
Andrea Timmons

Click here --->

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012


Hello Amoldhir

Choose expensive-looking watch for every occasion.
Also the cool thing about replicas is the fact that for the price of one original watch you can buy many replicas!!!

I ordered a ca-26 watch from you last week it already arrived. Let me say the watch is awesome, I couldn't believe my eyes it looks exactly like the real thing. Let me tell you many thanks and I would buy a lot more watches from you from now on.
Thank you very much!
Edgardo Worley

Click here --->

sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

ROLEX at unbelievable prices

Hello Amondale

At the present even in diplomatic circles you will feel like you belong there.
Order these excellent watches now. You don't risk at all. If you are not satisfied with the quality, we will return you the money, if you receive a damaged watch we will send you another one, and we will reship you a watch, if the watch is missing.

Product matches the catalogue exactly. If only there was a rating for exceptional! I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the service I will be recommending them to my friends Thanks again you are one of, if not, the best in the business!
Aisha Livingston

Click here --->

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Your Job Application is Pending

Hello Amnettek

Thank you for submitting your information for potential employment opportunities.
We look forward to reviewing your application,
but can not do so until you complete our internal application.

Prior to begin able to be considered, you will first need you to formally apply.
Please go here to begin the process:

Also, the following perks are potentially available:

- Paid Time Off
- Health Benefits Package
- Higher than average salaries
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Extensive 401(k)program

Please take the time to follow the directions and complete the entire application process.


miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Your Job Application: Positions Available! ($35-$57/hr)

Hello Amksphmalang

Thank you for submitting your information for potential employment opportunities.
We look forward to reviewing your application,
but can not do so until you complete our internal application.

Prior to begin able to be considered, you will first need you to formally apply.
Please go here to begin the process:

Also, the following perks are potentially available:

- Paid Time Off
- Health Benefits Package
- Higher than average salaries
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Extensive 401(k)program

Please take the time to follow the directions and complete the entire application process.


lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

Extra vigor for men

We carry all type of m lt ed bor s for your succes, at work, in love, in life.
Believe us you will be ex pxe ci dpc te sa d to discover new opportunities of a new you.

Hurry up, holiday season is as near as it was never before!!!

Clement Seals

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

Get really stiff

Le bke ath sx er bul dn let

Blazing se mc xu ctq al ac kk tiv dej ity to satisfy your girlfriend.
Perf mn ect res th ults and acceptable pri wa ces is prov eed ided
b pq y our p vr ha fv rma rav cy 24 hours a day!
No do ycm cto gm r vi hs sit, 1 minute free time, minimum efforts!
We provide pri sxu vacy and sweet night especially for you.
Don't waste time going to the d ur rug mpr sto neo re to pay more than
we offer you in our o np nli dto ne ph xsu arm cr acy!
Change your dom rv estic life with our m xz edi qfk cati rl ons.

Have a nice day!

VIS pqw IT U wk

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012


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